Buddha Meditating In Bodhi Tree Thangka
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Tibetan Thangka painting depicting Buddha in Bodhi Tree is perfect for various home décor ideas! This 100% hand-drawn Thangka painting made in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal can be decorated as an elegant and eccentric wall hanging in your home or office being a centrepiece of attention. It can also be placed on your family altar for meditation purposes as well as spiritual and emotional healing, attracting benevolent energy of the Tibetan Buddhist art.
- High Quality Oil Painting Thangka
- Dimensions: 50 x 38 cm
- Materials: Dust Of Gold With Tibetan Colors mixed with Hide Glue
- Canvas: Organic Cotton
- Origin: Nepal
- Hand Painted In Nepal
What is, Buddha under Bodhi tree? Within the Buddhist faith, achieving enlightenment is human beings' ultimate goal. Buddhism teaches that life is suffering because human beings insist on remaining separate from a greater reality (called "Nirvana") and choose to live within the illusion that they are finite beings instead of one piece of a greater infinite reality.
Buddhism teaches that all distinctions between living things are illusions; human beings separate themselves into "me" and "you" and disconnect themselves from Nirvana, bringing humans total peace and happiness. The goal of Buddhism is to end suffering by teaching a person how to let go of these illusory distinctions between themselves and all other life.
Buddhism is unique in world traditions because it does not believe in individual human souls. Instead, it assumes that peace and joy in the afterlife come through accessing Nirvana, the life force from which all people originated and to which all people will return if they learn to reject the illusions of a finite self.
Achieving enlightenment comes through meditating, developing self-discipline, and exercising compassion for all life.
Siddhartha Gautama was the first to achieve enlightenment, an Indian prince born between 500 and 400 BCE. While historical sources do verify the existence of the Buddha, historians disagree on the exact time in which he lived.
Siddhartha, born a prince, was raised in a palace where knowledge of sickness, old age, and suffering was kept from him. His father, the king ordered servants to remove all elderly, sick, and suffering people from his son's presence - until one day, Siddhartha discovered an older man outside the palace. Siddhartha discovered disease, a dead body, and a Hindu monk as he explored the outside world in the following days. Realizing how little he understood about life, the young prince left the palace searching for wisdom. Siddhartha sought enlightenment after he realized his father had lied to him about the nature of life.
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