Guru Dorje Drolo Thangka
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Tibetan Thangka painting depicting Guru Dorje Drolo is perfect for various home décor ideas! This 100% hand-drawn. Thangka painting made in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal can be decorated as an elegant and eccentric wall hanging in your home or office being a centrepiece of attention. It can also be placed on your family altar for meditation purposes as well as spiritual and emotional healing, attracting benevolent energy of the Tibetan Buddhist art.
- This Artwork is Unique
- Dimensions: 68 x 52 cm
- Materials: Tibetan Colors With Black And Gold Dust mixed with Hide Glue
- Canvas: Organic Cotton
- Hand Painted in Nepal
Dorje Drollo is one of the eight manifestations of Guru Padmasambhava with extremely wrathful expression. However, Dorje Drollo rides a tiger side saddle surrounded by the flames of pristine awareness. Additionally, he has the expression of a fierce deity with three glaring eyes. The three eyes symbolize his knowledge of the past, present and future. He wields the Vajra in his right hand which symbolizes the union of mundane knowledge and the ultimate wisdom. Furthermore, he wears the vulture feather on top of his cap similar to Guru Rinpoche and he ultimate wisdom. Guru Padmasambhava manifested in this form in order to subdue the negative and evil forces at the thirteen different places in Himalayan region.
Dorje Drollo is dark – red or maroon in color and terrifying in appearance, as if the three worlds were on fire. Is presence is overwhelming, with a radiance that outshines the sun and moon, while his three round red wisdom eyes stare in every direction. He expresses his wrath by biting down upon his lower lip with his sharp upper teeth and fangs, his orange facial twists upwards and emits fiery sparks and his matted hair – locks hand down as a tawny mass of curls.
With his right hand raised towards the heavens in the threatening tarjani gesture he holds a nine – pointed Vajra made of meteorite iron that emits a storm of fiery sparks, with each spark taking the form of the syllable HUM, which subdue all spiritual pride. In his left he holds a phurba or dagger made of meteorite iron, which emits a shower of sparks in the form of thousands of Mahakalas. The sharp triangular point of his phurba pierces through the hearts of all demonic enemies. He wears gold and bone ornaments, and like Guru Rinpoche three robes that signifying his accomplishments of discipline, meditation and wisdom. The first is an inner ‘secret’ white robe, showing he has perfected the bodhisattva – vehicle. The second is a blue robe symbolizing his perfection of the mantra – vehicles. The third is the outer yellow and red embroidered monastic robe of a bhikshu, representing his perfection in upholding all of the pratimoksha vows. As the originator and master of all Buddha activity, he wears the black – hat or Vajra – crown of the Karmapa.
He abides within a blazing mass of awareness – fire and swirling wind, as he stands upon his Dakini – consort in the fierce from of a pregnant tigress, with his right leg bent and his left leg extended in Heruka – posture. The tigress tramples upon the form of an enemy – demon, who lies upon his back above a triangular Dharmodaya or blissful ‘reality – source’, which crowns the summit of the ‘blazing mountain’ and contains a swirling ocean of fresh blood.
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