Black Manjushri Thangka
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Tibetan Thangka painting depicting Black Manjushri Thangka is perfect for various home décor ideas! This 100% hand-drawn Thangka painting made in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal can be decorated as an elegant and eccentric wall hanging in your home or office being a centrepiece of attention. It can also be placed on your family altar for meditation purposes as well as spiritual and emotional healing, attracting benevolent energy of the Tibetan Buddhist art.
- Master Quality Thangka
- Dimensions: 50 x 38 cm
- Materials: 24 Carat Gold And Tibetan Colors mixed with Hide Glue
- Canvas: Organic Cotton
- Origin: Nepal
- Hand Painted In Nepal
Black Manjushri is the wrathful healing form of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. His practice is particularly beneficial for those suffering from so-called “incurable” diseases such as AIDS and cancer, or those who are prone to negative emotions such as anger, depression, fear and denial which arise due to sickness or problems.
Black Manjushri's practice is also a powerful antidote against the harm and disturbances caused by black magic, naga and spirit disturbances, and negative astrological influences.
Black Manjushri protects us from the four maras that hinder our spiritual practice and success, and halts the negative actions of all malefic beings and geg spirits that obstruct the attainment of long-life.
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